Public Act 177, by Michigan Law requires all storage facilities to open a delinquent Tenant’s storage unit, take a visual inventory and make a brief description of all the storage unit contents. All facilities in the State of Michigan are required to do this.
Nothing has been taken from the storage unit(s) that are listed for sale. The unit(s) are not opened again until the Lien Sale “purchaser” opens the purchased unit. Once the lock has been cut and the visual inventory has been made the storage unit is locked and a seal tag is placed on the storage unit. The seal tag is recorded on the original sheet of the brief description. Once the Lien Sale has been completed the purchaser will be given a receipt with the unit number, the unit key, the seal code and a gate code so that they can access the purchased storage unit.
A Tenant has up until the night before the Lien Sale to pay up any outstanding balance and take possession of their storage unit. They even have been known to purchase their own belongings at a Lien Sale. As the storage facility, are not allowed by the Michigan Lien Law to remove any contents prior to the storage unit Lien Sale.
Budget Storage Group